Sunday, May 25, 2008

Little Bittercress aka Shotweed

This is the most obnoxious and ever-present weed that infested my yard last summer. The situation was so bad that even my neighbor complained about the infestation in the front yard. Apparently this weed was shooting ( source of its common name - shotweed) its seeds into her yard.
Shotweed is an annual species of the mustard family growing to 5-7 inches usually, but I have seen it grow up to 12 inches long in shaded areas. It bears tiny white flowers and the resulting fruit is a long slender seed filled pod. A fully matured and dry pod explodes even with a slightest touch spreading the seeds up to a couple of yards in all directions. I have seen it grow anywhere and anytime. I spent most of my last summer fighting this weed to the extent that I had nightmares about it. I even saw vivid images of the leaves and the pods in my sleep. I had to meticuluosly hand pick the seedlings and the mature plants while trying not to trigger the pods. This time around it seems to be under control, but I do see it here and there. Mulching helps with shotweed control or use broad leaf herbicide if it gets out of control. Here is a link to a shotweed pdf document from Washington State University for more details.

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